Your Expertise Amplified To Millions Of Viewers With Just 2 Hours A Month

We help you create a month’s worth of valuable content in less than 2 hours, professionally edit all of that content for you into daily video/static image posts (30+/month). Then we post this content and interact with your audience across 5+ social media platforms for maximum growth.

Our System (In a Nutshell)

From start to finish, we work with you through the content creation, and distribute it for maximum impact.


Our Core Team

Our team isn’t just skilled; we’re driven by passion to always push
boundaries and deliver unparalleled results.

Ben Moore

Founder and CEO

Ben founded Elevate Marketing in 2021. Ben works on higher level strategy, and making sure all client needs are consistently met.

Gabe Kaufman

Business Developement

Gabe Joined Elevate in early 2023, and has played a key role in implementation of systems to consistently achieve success online. He also speaks to potential clients, so if you book a call, you might be talking to him.

Nick Diller

Operations Management

 Nick leads operations. He manages content calls, the editing team, and the management team. Nick has been instrumental in streamlining our processes to provide the absolute best service for our customers.

Why Choose Us?

Their Work

Wasted Time

Other agencies with ideas of online growth often require lots of your time. Through branding calls, or hour long weekly check-ins, it is overbearing.

Long Contracts

Most Online Agencies will do their best to get you paying them as much money, for as long as possible.

One Size Fits All Approach

Many agencies will use the same strategies and process over and over and over again. Just because something worked for one person, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Lack of Communication

Online, the options for communication are endless, and this makes the details fuzzy. Often, it will take people 1-2 days to respond. Unfortunately, this is enough time for a brand to be tainted.

Disingenuous Tactics

When the pressure is on, many online agencies turn to things like buying followers, likes, views, and comments. This destroys an account's ability to build an organic audience.

Our Work

Leveraged Time

We cut straight to the point, no funny business. Your time is valuable, and we won’t waste it. We communicate as much as possible, in as little time as possible.

Strategic Contracts

We make contracts flexible to you. This ensures you like us, and we like you.

Adaptive Approach

We constantly shift and adjust, until we see success.

Open Communication

The first thing we do is establish set communication lines. These lines include multiple team members, so that if you have a need, it will be addressed as soon as humanly possible.

Long-Term Tactics

Breaking down and paying for social media metrics is a losing battle. There is no point for us, as it will destroy our business and reputation in the long term. If we aren’t finding success, you will know, and we will keep trying new things. But we will never take the shortcuts.

Our Process:

Within each month, we do one cycle of our system. The system has five buckets: Ideation, Creation, Editing, Management, and Communication.


To begin with any client we have a conversation focused on completely understanding your brand. Next, our team combs books, articles, and blog posts from you, as well as other successful creators in your niche to identify your ideal audience. Based on our research we create a database of topics, questions, and hooks that will connect with your ideal audience.


Creation: In 1.5-2 hours, we generate a month's worth of premium social content. Have a shower thought or event? Drop it in our inbox anytime. Monthly, we meet via Riverside for a video "content" call, armed with moral support and niche-focused questions. In 1.5-2 hours, we craft 30-40 valuable clips. Voila! Your monthly content is complete.


After your month's work, ours begins. Stand out as a niche authority with top-notch editing. We meticulously select the best clips, refine speech, and enhance video/audio quality. Engaging subtitles, B-roll footage, and calls to action are added. Our graphic team crafts thumbnails and image posts, completing your content tray.


Managment, Quality and volume are key. Achieving both involves optimizing all social media, crafting engaging captions, posting videos on 5-7 platforms daily, balancing static and graphic content, actively engaging with comments, and implementing strategic posting with SEO keywords, proven hashtags, and trending sounds. This approach ensures a strong presence and impact across platforms


Personal Brand Importance:

We recognize that everything we do builds a strong personal brand. The same kind of personal brand that allows Rhianna to launch Fenty Beauty. The same kind of personal brand that allows countless celebrities to found multimillion dollar beverage companies. This is what we aim to build.

Proven Success:

Our track record speaks volumes, showcasing a legacy of elevated brands and engaged audiences. Witness proven success through our strategic and thoughtful execution that consistently delivers measurable and impactful results.

Tailored Approach:

Your brand is unique, and so is our approach to growing your audience. We craft personalized strategies that resonate with your brand's identity and audience, ensuring growth that feels natural and aligned with your values.

Open Communication:

Transparency and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do. With open communication, we keep you informed and involved at every step, ensuring our strategies are perfectly synchronized with your brand's goals and expectations.

Boost Your Portfolio With A Fresh Asset Class And Broaden Your Financial Opportunities!

We specialize in cultivating organic audience growth across various digital platforms. Our team, driven by passion and expertise, is committed to elevating your brand through consistent, valuable content, fostering authentic connections and sustainable growth. Embracing a tailored approach, we ensure each strategy resonates with your unique brand identity, engaging your audience in meaningful ways and setting the stage for your success story in the digital landscape.

We manage every aspect of your Amazon business, from product R&D and listings to supplier interactions and logistics. With optimal pricing, risk mitigation, and real-time profit reports.

Who Is This For?

This is for hustlers, entrepreneurs, and dreamers who refuse to settle for the ordinary. If you’re someone who’s not afraid to make an upfront investment for a ticket to unparalleled growth, you’re in the right place. Using the world’s largest retail site, we’re offering an opportunity to take your revenue streams to stratospheric levels. With Apical, you’re paying not just for a service, but for an experience, a journey to owning a high-performing, custom-built Amazon store.